Programs & Fundraising

Click to learn more about the different programs, events and fundraisers that Parents Club organizes...

Back to School Family BBQ

Kick off the school year with fellow St. Mary’s families. Parents Club will be hosting the annual family picnic at Hap Magee Park in Danville. ALL of our new and returning families are invited to join us for a BBQ lunch, activities/games led by Jr. High students, and fellowship! 

Questions? Contact: Adrienne Walters (here)

Choice Lunch

Choice Lunch is the "hot lunch" program at school. This is open to students in all grades and is as easy as going to the choice lunch app/website, selecting the day, and picking items off the menu. The lunch table is setup near the gym and meals are individually bagged and labeled. For the younger grades, the teachers have a list of which students have hot lunch that day, and will walk the group down to pickup their food. For the older grades, students just stop by the table when they go out to lunch. 

And if you have questions in the meantime, you can contact Antonio Corona (here).

Fundraiser Pizza Lunch

Fundraiser Lunch... or "Pizza Lunch" is separate from the Choice Lunch option, and is organized by Parents Club. The proceeds from each week, go to a specific class, thus the "fundraiser" name. It's optional to purchase, and is available to students in all grades. The lunch includes pizza, fruit, and a cookie. Sales are open for for specific windows of time, for example: In September you might place an order for October-December lunches, so you want to make sure that you do not miss the deadline to order. The window for ordering lunches is announced in the Wednesday newsletters, so look for it there! 

How to Order: 

✓ Go to 

✓ Click on "Click Here to Register"  

✓ Enter Access Code: SMF 

✓ Complete the rest of the registration form.  

✓ Click the "Register Now" button at the bottom  

✓Follow the instructions to add each child in your family who attends St. Mary School  

✓ Once your child(ren) are registered, click on "Orders"  

✓ Proceed to order hot lunch for your child(ren)  

✓ Proceed to pay with a credit card. 

*Please note that families must re-register every year.  

Questions? Contact: Betsey Friedmann (here


The SCRIP program is a way for families to earn money for the school. You earn by shopping at select retailers or buying gift cards that you can use for everyday purchases. As a part of your tuition contract with the school, each family is required to spend $4,000 towards this program, or pay an assessment fee. Purchases are tracked from June 1st-May 31st, and reset each year.

{Note: The $4,000 is the face value total of all of the amounts you spend, the specific percentage that the school earns is not tracked, just what you spend.}

There are 3 ways to earn: 

RaiseRight - Download the app and use Enrollment Code: 3EA3CF2B1375. Using this app, you can buy eGift Cards, or physical gift cards to your favorite stores. Your purchase totals from the app are tracked and automatically sent to the coordinator for tracking purposes at the end of each month. - Head to this website to participate and setup your account to benefit St. Mary School in Walnut Creek. With this option, you link you credit/debit cards to the escrip program, and when you use those cards at participating stores, your purchase totals are tracked and automatically sent to the coordinator for tracking purposes at the end of each month. The options are a little limited... but they have stores like Lunardi's and Diablo Foods... So check it out, just in case your favorite store is on there! 

Sports Basement - Are you a Basmenteer? If you are a part of the Sports Basement rewards program, AND, you have St. Mary School listed as your beneficiary... your purchases count towards SCRIP! If you are not already connected, make sure you do it before your next shopping trip. Then simply send in a picture of your Sports Basement receipt to the coordinator, and the pre-tax amount will be added to your SCRIP purchase total. 

Keep in mind that family and friends can make purchases the same ways, and as long as they are linked to benefit St. Mary School.  Just let the coordinator know their name, so it can be appropriately tracked. 

Questions? Contact: Lizzy Weiss (here

Spartan Fun Run

This one is not a Parents Club hosted event... but we thought you might want to know what it is! 

The Spartan Fun Run is an opportunity for students to get excited about raising money for their school. It starts with a spirit rally at school, then a fundraising period, where students are incentivized with prizes for getting donations. Donations usually go toward facilities upgrades or other specific school needs, such as buying our Science Foss program. Parents shouldn't feel like this all falls on them... 

This is a great time for students to ask grandparents, aunts, uncles, and family friends 

to support them with a donation. 

It all culminates in the FUN RUN; a high-energy day, full of enthusiasm from students and teachers alike. Each class will take a turn running laps, while parents and fellow students cheer them on. The goal is 30 laps per student, and the lap sizes are adjusted based on grade level, so that all students are able to reach the goal.  

Questions? Contact: Christie Areias (here)

Conference Week Teacher Hospitality

Conference week is an extremely busy week for teachers as they are preparing to meet with parents as well as teaching in the morning.  To show our support, Parents Club provides lunch to them each day during conference week.  Lunch, snacks, and sweet treats will be delivered daily to the lunch room.  Additionally, the teachers lounge is decorated as well to show them how special and appreciated they are.  

Questions? Contact: John & Erlyn Mambretti (here)

Christmas Ornaments

A special St. Mary tradition, where each student makes an ornament to be placed on their tree at home.  This is done during class time, and parent volunteers are needed to go into the classrooms and work with the kids as they assemble, and then complete/package at home. The ornaments are different for each grade, and usually kept the same over the years, so as your kids pass through a grade they will make the ornament the students made in that class the year before. These because special memories that you can look back each year when you decorate your tree.

Questions? Contact: Nicole Sabella (here) or Flora Garat (here)

Spirit Wear

Each year the school offers fun school spirit wear. These can be worn on non-mass days throughout the year, and include outerwear and specially designed shirts and sweatshirts with the theme for that year. Orders are placed before school and during specific windows during the year. This same online storefront is where you can purchase PE Uniforms for your older students. Grades 5-8 are required to wear PE uniforms, so don't forget to place your order!

All apparel ordered already, will arrive before school begins, and will be available for pickup at the school supply drop off day. Tuesday, August 15th. 

Questions? Contact: Janis Allocco (here)

Uniform Exchange

This program allows families to donate good condition uniforms that their students have outgrown. On select dates throughout the school year, donation bins are setup to collect these uniforms. Then, in August before going back to school, all of the uniforms are organized and brought out in front of the school. There you can browse and take home gently-used, Bancroft-brand uniforms, spirit wear, and PE uniforms.

Questions? Contact: Nancy Allard (here

Santa's Workshop

Santa’s Workshop is a mini Christmas boutique, designed to allow students of all grades to feel the excitement of shopping for their loved ones and experience the joy of giving. St. Mary families participate by donating 20-25 identical unwrapped items from $1-$5, or a suggested donation of $25-$30. Each class is assigned a category to shop for. Large bins will be placed outside each classroom where the items can be placed to be collected. Suggested stores to purchase items include: Dollar Store, Target, Michaels, etc. 

Leading up to the event, students will be encouraged to make a list of people they want to shop for. Then, on the day of Santa's Workshop, each class will go in to shop at a designated time during the school day. Younger students will get some help from their big buddies.  Children can purchase a maximum of 10 items, and gifts are typically priced from $1-$3. 

*We are in need of a volunteer to run this program!*

Questions? Contact: Lisa Bravo (here)

Junior Achievement

This program is organized by the school, and no fundraising is involved. What we do ask for, is your time. If you have wanted to volunteer In the classroom, this Is the perfect opportunity. One parent (or share with another parent) from each grade is needed to present these lessons (5-6 lessons // 30-45mins each) to the class. Everything you need (instructions, lesson plan, materials) is provided. All you need to do is sign up, coordinate days/times with the teacher, and read through the days lesson in advance. It's truly a fun and rewarding experience.

Junior Achievement is the nation’s largest organization dedicated to giving young people the knowledge and skills they need to own their economic success, plan for their futures, and make smart academic and economic choices. Their programs prepare young people to succeed in a global economy by becoming financially literate, workforce ready, and armed with an entrepreneurial mindset. The approach of the lesson plans will enable students to apply their learnings to life inside and outside of school.

Questions? Contact: Anne Beech (here)

Mother-Daughter Event

This was such a fun event, that saw it's first year in the 22-23 school year, and we are excited to announce that it is coming back! We are targeting a date in late February and it's sure to be a great night! More information to come! 

Questions? Contact: Liz Olivas (here)

Book Fair

The Book Fair takes place during Catholic Schools Week, which is the last week in January.  The book fair begins after mass that Sunday, during the St. Mary School Open house.  It continues daily through Thursday of that week.  A book vendor is brought in and families have the opportunity shop for new books to bring home. Teachers also provide 'wish lists' so that families can purchase new books for the classrooms. Students also love purchasing eraser buddies!

The book fair is typically open after school, and during lunch for older elementary and junior high students to stop by. 

*We are in need of a volunteer to run this program!*

Questions? Contact: Lisa Bravo (here)

Father-Daughter Dance

The Father Daughter Dance is an event for dads and father figures to spend a special evening with their daughter(s). All father figures are welcome, including stepfathers, grandfathers, uncles, older brothers, and other significant male role models. This event is open for girls in all grades - TK through 8th! The goal of this event is to provide an evening of fun and special memories between fathers and daughters. Dinner is served, and there will be a DJ to keep everyone dancing the night away. Each year there is a fun theme that dads and daughters usually dress to match.

Questions? Contact: Cristina Gonzalez (here

Mother-Son Event

Mother Son BINGO is an event for moms and mother figures to spend a special evening with their son(s). All mother figures are welcome, including stepmothers, grandmothers, aunts, older sisters, and other significant female role models. This event is open for boys  in all grades - TK through 8th! The goal of this event is to provide an evening of fun and special memories between mothers and sons. Dinner is served, and multiple rounds of BINGO are played (with prizes for the winners).

Questions? Contact: Julie Ghiglieri (here

Annual Parent Party & Auction

Mark you calendars for Friday, November 1st!

The St. Mary Parent Party is the single biggest fundraiser for our school. 

Proceeds from the party are used to directly offset our school’s operational costs, which makes tuition at our school affordable for all families.

The event includes online bidding, and an in person event. The online only "silent auction" features student projects, gift cards and a few special items. Last year's Parent Party was a cocktail style event, and included a live auction with a chance to win unique experiences as well as the coveted reserved parking spots at school! We can't wait for this years event, and hope to see everyone there! 

Per the school tuition contract, every family is required to make a donation to the event with a value of $100 or more. This is a donation, separate from any item or admission purchases. We are so thankful to all of our families, whether they make a $100 cash donation, or are able to donate larger items like a stay at their vacation home, hosting a party, or sponsoring the event. Donations will be collected prior to the event, and more communication will come out about this in the fall. 

Questions? Contact: Kristy Overstreet (here

Teacher Appreciation Week

This is our chance to show the teachers and staff at St. Mary School just how much we appreciate everything they do. To show our support, Parents Club provides lunch to them each day during Teacher Appreciation WeekAdditionally, each class is responsible for a group of teachers. Parent volunteers from each class are needed to create posters, collect donations & shop for gifts, and assist with getting special notes from the students. 

Teacher Appreciation Week is May 6th - May 10th 2024. 

Questions? Contact Adrianne Bright (here). 

See's Candies Fundraisers

One of the highlights of the St. Mary's experience is the 6th grade trip to Camp Caritas, an outdoor education program. The kids build lifelong memories at this camp, and for many of them, it is their favorite part of all their years at St. Mary's.  

Every year, the 5th/6th grade classes will organize See's Candy fundraisers to help offset the cost of camp for everyone in the class. The candy fundraisers are usually held around Christmas and Easter. 

So, what do you need to do?  It's really easy.  Go to the link below to order See's Candy and a portion of the profits will go directly to that  class.  Share the link on social media and email your friends and family.  Treat yourself to the yummiest candy on earth, AND support our Fundraiser at the same time!  All orders will ship directly to you.  

Keep an eye out for these fundraiser announcements through the Wednesday newsletter. 

Thank you for supporting these students! 

Staff Birthdays

Teacher and Staff Birthdays are celebrated once a trimester. A parent volunteer organizes this by working with the office to select a date, coordinate food orders, procure drink donations, and setup the lunches in the Teacher's Lounge. It is a much loved program and is a great way for parents to celebrate and thank the teachers. 

Questions? Contact: Tori Hill (here

Back to School Parent Coffee

Join new and returning parents on the first day of school after morning announcements. Parents Club sets up coffee and bagels at the blue lunch tables in front of the school and all are welcome to join. Stop by and say hi to familiar and new faces! 

Questions? Contact: Tina Boaro (here)

Mentor Families

The Mentor Family program is designed to help welcome new families to our school and community. All new families will be matched with an existing St.Mary’s family over the summer. In addition to helping families feel welcomed, their mentor family will be a great point of contact for any questions that come up before, and throughout the school year. If you are an existing family and are interested in volunteering, or if you are new this year and have questions, let us know! 

Questions? Contact: Jamie Zoetewey  (here)